Integrated <br> Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management

iNext is an Integrated portfolio management solution where you create transparency by connecting your business and strategy portfolios with the IT portfolios. You can learn how the business strategies connect with investments and Products, and how that impacts your applications and technologies.  And you can understand how the lifecycle of your software and technologies will impact your Products and therefore impacts the business.

We Provide - 

Application Portfolio

Product Portfolio

Business Capability Mapping

Business Strategy

Investment Overview

Risk Management


Service Portfolio

Information Portfolio

Process Portfolio


What we do

Our goal is to help our clients develop a set of practical and interlocking capabilities that reveal—and maximize the profitable use of—the data appropriate to their situation. We do this by

iNext Business Strategy is the art, science, and craft of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organisation to achieve its long-term objectives. It is the process of specifying the organisation’s mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, often in terms of Products and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, Products and programs.

iNext Integrated portfolio management solution will provide you transparency by connecting your business and strategy portfolios with the IT portfolios. We help you to understand how business strategies connect with investments and Products, and how that impacts your applications and technologies. We also help you to understand the lifecycle of your software and technologies will impact your Products and therefore impacts the business.
iNext Integrated Portfolio Management solution will give you one Single Point of Truth!

iNext Application Portfolio is a framework for managing enterprise IT applications and software-based services. APM provides managers with an inventory of the company’s applications and metrics to illustrate the business benefits of each application. An APM system uses a scoring algorithm for generating reports about the value of each application and the health of the IT infrastructure as a whole.

iNext Product portfolio refers to a process used by Product managers and Product management organizations (PMOs) to analyse the potential return on a doing a Product. By organizing and consolidating every piece of data regarding proposed and current Products, Product portfolio managers provide forecasting and business analysis for companies looking to invest in new Products.
iNext Product portfolio gives organizations and managers the ability to see the big picture.

iNext INFORMATION PORTFOLIO framework will help you to analyse what kind of information you hold across all the different portfolios and what is status of those information.
The importance of information management is understood in almost every business, but very few organisations believe they manage their information appropriately or use it effectively. Many don’t realise the business opportunities lost because they lack an effective information governance process.

iNext Process Portfolio is a framework for managing enterprise Process Portfolio, along with Sub Process, activities. Which help the organization to identify –
• Does this process align with the organization’s strategic objectives and goals?
• Based on defined key performance indicators and probable risks, does this process initiative meet the requirements for portfolio inclusion?
• Does it still meet the requirements for portfolio inclusion compared with other competing process portfolio items also in consideration?

360° Control

iNext provide you a 360° view of your Business and IT Services

Application Rationalisation hep you to
Increase the value of IT, Reduce costs by up to 45%, Reduce IT complexity

Alignment of Projects to Business Strategy and vision. Collaboration over competition and More efficient use of resources.

Enhanced productivity of IT assistance staff, via an improved recognition of as well as a maximised focus on the services that provide maximum value. Well-informed and smart decision-making concerning service creation, delivery, enhancement and retirement.
